Assessment and Evaluation

A Panel of Examiners for B.Ed will be prepared by the Board of Studies in Education. A Board of Examiners will be constituted by the University from the Panel of examiners for B.Ed Course. The Registrar (Evaluation) shall conduct the examination and declare the results.

Semester Theory Examination : Question paper pattern

Quest'ns To be given Quest'ns To be answered Marks for each quest'ns Total marks for quest'ns Quest'ns To be given Quest'ns To be answered Marks for each quest'ns Total marks for quest'ns Grand Total
Perspective Courses 7 4 10 40 11 8 5 40 80
Pedagogy Course-1 4 2 10 20 6 4 5 20 40
Pedagogy Course-2 4 2 10 20 6 4 5 20 40

Internal Assessment

Each Course normally, would have two components- the Internal Assessment and the Semester End Examination. The Internal Assessment (IA) marks are based on continuous internal assessment in a continuous mode. The total marks for the Internal Assessment shall be based on the marks assigned for IA component of the course. For all the courses the split of marks for IA and the marks for Semester End Examination are presented in the schematic table present in the course detail table.

a. The purpose of IA is to ensure that there is Continuous Internal Assessment throughout thesemester. The Internal Assessment in each semester would have components distributed right across a variety of activities.

b. The various components of Internal Assessment Marks in each theory paper normally are as follows:

Activities Marks Activities Marks
Session Test 5 Session Test 5
Field Assignment 10 Seminar 5
Total 20   10

The first component of assessment is for ten marks. This will be based on session test of two hours in case of theory and submission of field assignment report based on core papers within one month from the date of allotment. (5 mark for Test and 5 marks for field assignment). This assessment and score process should be completed after completing 50 percentage of syllabus of the course/s and within 45 days of each semester programme.

The second component of assessment is for ten marks. This will be based on test and seminar. This will be based on session test of two hours in case of theory and preparation and presentation of seminar based on core papers and with duration of one hour. (5 marks for Test and 5 marks for seminar). This assessment and score process should be completed after completing 50 percentage of syllabus of the course/s and within 45 days of each semester programme.

The grade and the grade point earned by the candidate in the subject will be as given below:

P G GP = V x G
90-100 9 (A++) V X 9
80-89 8 (A+) V X 8
70-79 7 (A) V X 7
60-69 6 (B+) V X 6
50-59 5 (B) V X 5
0-49 0 (C) V X 0

Here, P is the percentage of marks secured by a candidate in a course which is rounded to nearest integer. V is the credit value of the course. G is the grade and GP is the grade point.

If G = 0 (C), (GP=O) then the course is automatically considered as PENDING. He/She is not said to have failed in the course.

Overall Cumulative Grade Point Average (hereafter CGPA) of a candidate after successful completion of the required number of credits as predetermined for the programs under various faculties is given by the ratio of the cumulative sum of the Grade points earned by the candidate during all the semesters to the cumulative sum of the credits specified for the entire program.

CGPA = GPi/ Vi

Where, GPi denotes the grade points earned in the course; Vi denotes the credit value specified for the course.

Final Grade Point (FGP) shall be awarded on the basis of CGPA of the candidate.

8> CGPA < 10 1
6>CGPA < 7.99 2
5 >CGPA < 5.99 3

Challenge Valuation

After declaration of the results of the post graduation, if any candidate wishes to apply for challenge valuation, he/ she shall apply to the Registrar (Evaluation) for the said purpose by paying the prescribed fees within 15 days. He can challenge the grade awarded to him/her by submitting an application along with the prescribed fees to the Registrar (Evaluation) through the proper channel. The challenge valuation shall be applicable only for C3 Component of Course (theory) only. The candidate has to surrender the grade card if issued earlier to him/her before announcement of the results of the challenge valuation.

After receipt of application for challenge valuation, the Registrar (Evaluation) either personally or through the coordinator appointed for the said purpose, with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, ask a subject specialist from among the panel of examiners approved already to evaluate the concerned script. The marks awarded in the challenge valuation shall be final.

Provision for Improvement:

i) Provision for improvement is created only for his/her performance in the theory papers. ii) The candidate has to complete the B.Ed programme within three years from the date of admission and no extension is permissible as per the NCTE norms.

Pending Course/s:

The candidate has to earn at least 50% of the total credits (courses) specified for First and Second Semester of the programme in order to proceed to the Third Semester and onwards.

Improvements of Results:

Programme grades improvement is limited to theory alone. For programme grade improvement in theory, candidates have to appear for the concerned examinations with the regular schedule. Higher marks of the two i.e. marks before improvement and after improvement whichever is higher will be considered. Notwithstanding anything contained in NCTE regulations, in these Regulations for the Provision of any Guidelines, Order, Rules or Regulations in force shall be in applicable to the extent of their in consistency with these regulations. The University shall issue such orders, instructions etc and prescribe such format, procedure etc, as it may deem fit to implement the provisions of these regulations.