Course Structure for the NCTE Two-Year B.Ed. Programme
Semester-wise Distribution of the Course


Course code Course Titles Credits Internal Marks External Marks Total
Max. Min. Max. Min.
Theory Per-C-I Childhood and Adolescence 4 20 08 80 32 100
C-II Philosophical and Sociologi- cal Bases of 4 20 08 80 32 100
C-III Educational Technology 4 20 08 80 32 100
Understanding Discipline and Pedagogy-I & II 4 20 08 80 32 100
Practical EPC-I ICT Basic 2 50 25 - - 100
EPC-II Language across the Subjects 2 50 25 - - 100
EF-I Psycho-Social Tools and Techniques 2 50 25 - - 100
EF-II Micro Teaching and Integration 2 50 25 - - 100
      280 320 - 600


Course code Course Titles Credits Internal Marks External Marks Total
Max. Min. Max. Min.
Theory Per-C-I Learning & Teaching 4 20 08 80 32 100
C-II Knowledge and Curriculum 4 20 08 80 32 100
C-III Education in Contemporary 4 20 08 80 32 100
C-IV Pedagogic Tools, Techniques and Approaches 4 20 08 80 32 100
Practical EPC-I ICT Applications 2 50 25 - - 100
EPC-II Understanding the Self, Personality and 2 50 25 - - 100
EF-I Simulated and ICT based 2 50 25 - - 100
EF-II School Lessons and Reflective diary 2 50 25 - - 100
      280 320 - 600


Course code Course Titles Credits Internal Marks External Marks Total
Max. Min. Max. Min.
Theory Per-C-I Inclusive Education 4 20 08 80 32 100
C-II Educational Evaluation 4 20 08 80 32 100
Subject Specific Pedagogy
I & II
4 20 08 80 32 100
Optional Optional course (any one)
1. Value Education
4 20 08 80 32 100
Practical EPC-I ICT Basic 2 50 25 - - 100
EPC-II Language across the Subjects 2 50 25 - - 100
EF-I Psycho-Social Tools and Techniques 2 50 25 - - 100
EF-II Micro Teaching and Integration 2 50 25 - - 100
      280   320 - 600


Course code Course Titles Credits Internal Marks External Marks Total
Max. Min. Max. Min.
Theory Per-C-I Gender, School and Society 4 20 08 80 32 100
C-II Educational Management and Organization 4 20 08 80 32 100
C-III Advanced Pedagogy of
specific Subjects-I & II
4 20 08 80 32 100
Practical EPC-I Reading and Reflecting on 2 50 25 - - 100
EF-I Field work and Immersion 6 150 - - - 150
EF-II Annual Lesson I & II 2+2 - - 50+50 - 100
    24 260 25 340 - 600